  • "Welcome to the DPD World"
  • "Welcome to the DPD World"
  • "Welcome to the DPD World"
  • "Welcome to the DPD World"

Welcome to the DPD World

Mesoscopic science, which bridges the gap between microscopic and macroscopic worlds, has attracted increasing attention as the fast development of microscale technologies. Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) is a coarse-grained method designed for mesoscopic simulations. It has become one of the most widely used methods for mesoscopic modeling due to its simplicity together with high computational efficiency, and flexibility in modeling thermodynamic and kinetic properties. In recent years, the rapid expanding applications of DPD to various research fields have been witnessed.

This website of DPD Forum was estabilished by Dr. Zhen Li in the Crunch Group supervised by Prof. George Em Karniadakis at Brown University. It will be serving the DPD community and provide useful information and materials for researchers who are working on or are considering working on mesoscopic modeling.

All the materials in the Virtual Resource Center were generously provided by the speakers and the organizers of workshops. The copyright of the slides and corresponding contents belong to the original owners.

The website content maintenance is supported by all the members of the DPD Club of Brown University. I hope that our effects can promote the research and development of mesoscopic modeling and attract interested researchers from various research fields to join this community.

Past DPD News

5.  A USER-MESO package in LAMMPS has been released with LAMMPS-Version-1Sep17. The USER-MESO package includes the many-body DPD (mDPD) model for multiphase problems, the energy-conserving DPD (eDPD) model for non-isothermal dynamics, and the transport DPD (tDPD) for mesoscopic problems involving advection-diffusion-reaction processes. Please click here to download a Development Version of LAMMPS to play with these DPD-Alphabet models.

4.  Welcome the newest DPD family member - charged DPD (cDPD): It extends the capability of DPD method to simulating mesoscopic electrokinetic phenomena governed by the stochastic Poisson-Nernst-Planck and the Navier-Stokes (PNP-NS) equations. Click here to download the paper.

3.  The Videos of lectures and slides of the CM4 summer school on Multiscale Modeling of Materials held at Stanford University are available at the Virtual Resource Center.

2.  The slides of 2015 DPD Workshop held in Shanghai University are available at the Virtual Resource Center.

1.  The slides of 2014 Prague Summer school and Workshop - Particles in Flows held in Prague are available at the Virtual Resource Center.

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