Virtual Resource Center

This virtual resource center was built to help young people start their DPD investigations easily. The following materials were generously provided by the speakers and the organizers of workshops. The copyright of the slides and corresponding contents belong to the original owners.

[2] Slides of 2014 Prague Summer school and Workshop - Particles in Flows

1. George Karniadakis: Lecture 1: Dissipative Particle Dynamics – An Overview.

2. George Karniadakis: Lecture 2: Theoretical foundation and parameterization of DPD.

3. George Karniadakis: Lecture 3: New methods beyond traditional DPD.

4. George Karniadakis: Lecture 4: DPD in soft matter and polymeric applications.

[1] Slides of Brown CFD Course APMA 2811T: Dissipative Particle Dynamics

Lecture 2 by Zhen Li: Lecture 2: Theoretical Foundation and Parameterization.

Lecture 3 by Zhen Li: Lecture 3: New Methods Beyond Traditional DPD.

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